"It's hard not to become a monster when you're trying to defeat one.
Aung San Suu Kyi is the moral leader of Myanmar, the country more correctly
known as Burma. She has been, in effect, under house arrest since 1989.
"Suu Kyi is a real hero in an age of phony phone-in celebrity, which
hands out that title freely to the most spoiled and underqualified. Her
voice of reason makes the world look noisy, mad; it is a reminder of
everything we take for granted and just what it can take to get it. Thinking
of her, you can't help but use anachronistic language of duty and personal
"U2 wrote the song Walk On to honor this amazing woman who put family
second to country, who for her convictions made an unbearable choice
- not to see her sons grow and not to be with her husband as he lost
his life to a long and painful cancer. Suu Kyi, with an idea too big
for any jail and a spirit too strong for an army, changes our view -
as only real heroes can - of what we believe to be possible."
- Bono, Time Magazine, April 2004
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