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The best of sequential art
I've been a comics fan since I was a young boy reading Marvel's Transformers comics, but I really got into the medium in middle school, starting with Detective Comics #619. I loved Batman comics and soon added The Flash because I watched the 1990 TV show. I gobbled up tons of DC Comics - reading nearly everything they published between 1986 and 2011. I started reading Ultimate Spider-Man and Alias, and then expanded to the rest of the Marvel universe. I focused on superheroes for a long time, although comics like Bone and Sandman were in the mix from very early on as well. Eventually I branched out to read all the comics and graphic novels I could, no matter what subject matter. With DC's New52 and Marvel's Fear Itself, I largely stopped reading superheroes, although I got back into DC when Wally West finally came back years later. I still read tons of comics. I love the medium for allowing a huge range of diversity, independence, and creativity. Check out a lot of my favorites here.
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