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About Me
Hi there, everybody.
This site's 29th anniversary! 1995-2024
Welcome to my exhaustively
eclectic site. I've been sharing my views and trying out design and
HTML here for the majority of my life now. I'm hoping the site dredges up waves of nostalgia
for the days of yore when random personal web sites, instead
of mega-corporate social networks, were the backbone of the web. This is what happens when I have 10 minutes of free time every week for decades: I make lists and take photos of absolutely everything I'm interested in.
If you've landed here, you'll
probably find lots of cool stuff you already like, but I hope you
also discover related items like comics,
books, or movies
that you might not have seen otherwise. Probably the most extensive part
of the site are my book reviews. I read several books a week. You can even check out our home library.
I've also added a lot more focused, unique content - like
the work of Neil Gaiman, John
Singer Sargent, and They Might Be Giants.
Perusing the site will also give you some insight into how I became interested in the topic of my 2024 book, Unknown New York: An Artist Uncovers the City's Hidden Treasures. You can learn more about it here, and order a copy!
If you have any
recommendations for the site, or just want to reach out and chat, let
me know. Hope you enjoy the site!
Our daughter Sienna

Family & Friends
Shown here are my dad, mom, sister, and I at a wedding, many years ago. They all live and work in nearby New Jersey. We're from Hamilton Township, which has a surprisingly
nice web site and is apparently New Jersey's shining star, according
to itself.
I've lived now in Manhattan's Gramercy/Stuyvesant/East Village area since 2003, first with my good friend Lawrence and then with my family. New York is my favorite thing, and you can see my Pop Culture Tour of the city, check out which celebrities we've spotted, and look at a map of all the city's hundreds of bookstores. You can also see lots of photos of the city and all of us over the years on the photo page.
"Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization." - Gandhi
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr., writer
"Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." - Picasso
"Just a message from Europe ... Hi! My name is Ed, I fall on your personnal website and I saw your sketches... I like your style ! and your website make me discover New York, it's my favourite city ! I'm a young drawer ( in fine art school ), that's sure New York is a great city for inspiration ... "
Thank you
I first made this site in 1995. Since then, I've redesigned it from scratch every few years. This time (the 6th), I couldn't have done it without the work of some amazing friends:

Programming Prodigy Rich Couzzi

Eagle-Eyed Eric Hwang

Bibliophile Susan Stark
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