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Great Music
They Might Be Giants
Who are THEY?
They might be rain. They might be heat.
They might be frying up a stalk of wheat.
They might be fake. They might be lies.
They might be big, big, fake, fake lies.
Two guys in Brooklyn ... the world's most successful independent band?
Time Out New York: A lot of bands have been recycling their songbooks
for Broadway spectaculars - Abba, Billy Joel, the Beach Boys. Will we
ever get They Might Be Giants on Broadway?
John Flansburgh: I'm very open to They Might Be Giants on Ice. I don't
know what the story would be, though. "Here's the tale of some creative
people who really get along!" There's not much drama in our personal
lives. "They didn't go to rehab!" And TMBG's songs have so many nouns
in them. I don't know how you'd stage it. You'd need a really big art
department budget.
Some of my favorite TMBG songs
- They'll Need a Crane
- Pet Name
- Montana
- Birdhouse in Your Soul
- The Guitar
- South Carolina
- The End of the Tour
- She's an Angel
- New York City
- Vancouver
- Meet the Elements
- Spiraling Shape
- Wicked Little Critta
- Electronic Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Man, It's So Loud in Here
- Withered Hope
- Nanobots
- Nonagon
- Damn Good Times
- Why Must I Be Sad?
- Cyclops Rock
- Tubthumping (Onion AV Club)
- Brain Problem Situation
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Nightgown of the Sullen Moon
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