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iTunes is the worst, part 1
Dear Apple,
You have the most harrowing payment/login process I have ever seen. I wanted to buy an app on the ipad. Here is what I had to do:
- Search for the app in the app store.
- Find it and Buy.
- Log into my account (with an annoying password, since you require capitals and numbers.)
- Log into my account again. ...! Yes, the prompt came up again. No error that I entered it wrong, just have to do it a second time.
- Get an error that my payment is wrong, but that I can't update it here, I have to update it "in the itunes store on the computer".
- Try to go to itunes store on the computer, and search for my account, but can't find it.
- Eventually realize that it means the store within the iTunes program, not a web site like one would expect. Using a store within a walled-off program rather than the web makes me feel like I'm back on AOL in 1995.
- Open itunes, wait for it to sync again.
- Go to the iTunes store.
- Switch to "ipad"
- Search for the same app again.
- Attempt to buy it.
- Have to log into my account.
- Answer 2 security questions.
- Get the error that my payment info is outdated (Don't know why; it's paypal, which is still working fine for me everywhere else.)
- Enter new payment info (I choose a credit card instead.)
- Enter my name and full address.
- Go back to the ipad, go back to app store, attempt to download the app again.
- Answer 2 security questions.
- Enter new payment info, including my full name and address AGAIN.
- The app downloads.
Why do I need to log into my account every time I download an app, even though it's my own iPad or iPhone?
Why do I need to log in even if an app is free?
Apple, listen.
Most of your items for sale are $1.99.
I know you can afford to hire someone to fix this.
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