Stuyvesant Town closes its playgrounds
Note: This was in response to an update email that Stuyvesant Town sent to residents. The playground next to our apartment has been closed for months.
Hi Stuytown,
We were extremely disappointed to hear the news that the playground opening would be delayed. I'm not sure why May was promised in the first place ... I remember remarking to my wife when that was announced a few months ago that it seemed nigh-impossible, but that perhaps we would be pleasantly surprised. Nope. I especially like the "everything's perfectly on schedule, oh, except this main thing" phrasing below.
It's also weird to mention things like "The foundation has been laid" when I can see for myself out my window this very minute that it has not, unless you are using some sort of vintage dirt-and-small-rocks foundation.
But the real reason I'm writing is to complain about the surprise we encountered yesterday that our next nearest playground, the Treehouse, is also closed. That didn't sit well with our daughter. We purposely chose Stuytown to raise our family in large part because of its playgrounds. I hope you guys get your act together soon before all the remaining ones are closed as well.
Jesse Richards
Response 1 from Stuyvesant Town
Hi Jesse
We apologize for the inconvenience the construction of the new Management Office has caused on you and your family. We will forward your concerns over to our Project Management team.
Project Management
Response 2 from Stuyvesant Town
Hello Jesse
Frustration is appreciated, we are undergoing a full property wide playground refurbishment for the benefit of our community. We are at the tail end of the overall project. There are 12 other playgrounds that are open of the 15 available.
Project Management